Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Seeing What Is Unseen

Seeing What Is Unseen

"We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18, NKJV

God wants you to focus on the good things He has for you, which are far greater than the things you can see around you. Unfortunately, too many people give up when they face tough times. They stop expecting anything good to happen. But the truth is, hardships and trials are really opportunities for you to go higher. Whatever struggles you're going through right now, no matter how large or small...they are subject to change.

God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Your health may not look very good today, but it's subject to change. You may be out of work today, but that's subject to change. Your finances may look dismal today, but that's subject to change! You may be struggling in your relationships or marriage, but that's subject to change too! No matter what your circumstances might can experience real positive change when you look to God.


God, it's so exciting to realize that the hard circumstances in my life are subject to change. Help me to keep on trusting You as You work out Your good purposes in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

"Have a blessed day"

You Are Unique

You Are Unique


"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."
Romans 12:2, NLT


Today's verse teaches not to allow the world to squeeze you into its mold. If you're going to be the person God made you to be, you need the courage to break the mold. That means you can't spend time worrying about what others think. The prophet Jeremiah almost missed God's plan because he thought he was too young - and so did Timothy, Paul's son in the faith. In 1 Timothy 4:12 Paul told Timothy, "Let no one despise your youth." But at its heart, Paul was really saying, "Timothy, just be the person God made you to be." God is saying the same thing to you today. You don't need people's approval. You have God's approval! So rise up with boldness and confidence, and God will start pouring out His blessings and favor on you in ways you never even imagined possible.


God, I praise You today for caring enough to make me a unique person with a plan from You to pursue. Please show me today how I can please You by fulfilling Your plan. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

"Have a blessed day"

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Obeying God's commandments

Message given Pas.Mohan, NLAG on 11th May 2014

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pursuing the Dream

Pursuing the Dream


"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14, KJV


If you want to live a joyful and fulfilling life, learn to celebrate each moment of each day. All it really takes is a decision on your part to relish the events, people, and tasks that make up everyday life. Of course, you should have goals. God has put dreams and desires in each person's heart. And there will always be another dream, another challenge just over the horizon. Slow down and enjoy each stage of what He is doing in your life. You don't have to make everything happen today. Pursue the goals that God has planted in you, but don't forget to enjoy each stage of the journey!


God, I know that You have planted dreams and goals in me. Help me to pursue them with the awareness that they will happen in Your time, and give me the ability to enjoy where You have me today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

"Have a blessed day"

A Double Portion of Blessing

A Double Portion of Blessing


"Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double."
Zechariah 9:12, ESV


No matter what has been taken away from you, no matter what you've lost or experienced in the past, if you give it over to God, He will return to you more than you could ask or imagine. He'll make things right and give you more than what was lost or stolen. The Bible says that when you put your hope in God, He blesses you with a double portion. God wants to multiply your joy, peace, wisdom, health, finances - a double portion of His favor in every area of your life! The first step in moving forward into this fresh future is forgetting the disappointments of yesterday. It's time to turn loose those disappointments of your past and reach out in faith to God's abundant future.


God, I praise You today because You are the God of the double portion! I give You the losses and disappointments of my past, trusting Your love and provision for me. In Jesus' Name.

"Have a blessed day"