Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Own Thoughts

1. Think twice before you attempt anything, ask yourself if anything better way of doing things.
2. Carefully watch your progress.
3. Discipline yourself in all the ways, give up your laziness and proceed vigorously towards your goal.
4. Every minute you have something to learn or work.
5. If you think too much about you problems, it will double. But if you laugh at them it will bubble.
6. Be an altruistic, help others and pray for those who oppose you.
7. Pray for your boss and especially pray for the person who doesn't care about your welfare.
8. Be energetic and optimistic.
9. Discover new way of doing things. Engage yourself in some activity that leads you towards your goal.
10. Be sharp minded, alive and creative.
11. Its not a matter how long you work, either how fast you do it.
12. Finish your work within your allotted time, so you can start your next job early.
13. Don't give sleep to your eyes untill you see your vision.
14. Exercise your mind with new motivational thoughts and inspired inside.
15. Always say positive things about yourself and write it down in the tablet of your heart.
16. Kiss your day, welcome new challenges. Love your job.
17. Don't be down chasten Oh my soul ! you don't have any reason to worry. Worries and idle mind will stink your thoughts.
18. Learn to deal with fear or it will kill you.
19. Drive out the doubt, and have hope for the future.
20. Love your enemies; they are very good teachers who teaches you the life trials and problems which is the most important lesson to be learned.
21. Your heart should always be light weighted, if you don't..... feel free to throw out the burdens. you never wanna that in your heart, It’s a heavy baggage.
23. Don't enter into uncomfortable zone that breaks your heart and rapture your peace.
24. Be satisfied with what you are and what you have done. you never a least compared to others, your contribution to this world is important.
25. Have wise talk with others, honor them and give respect to their words and to their ideas.
26. Sharp your mind, speak very clearly and never be afraid.
27. Don't let others look down on you.
28. Its really very interesting in reading your own ideas and your own stories.
29. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
30. You have power over your mind - not outside events.
31. Your life is what your thoughts make it.