Thursday, February 27, 2014


1. Lordship

Like a child who has a pencil in between his fingers and he snaps it
down on his leg to break the pencil in two, so too break me, Oh
God. Break my pride, break my will, break anything that’s keeping
me from knowing you, enjoying you, and radiating your glory
through me.

 02. Wise Perspective

Father, cause me to live with an eternal perspective. Help me to
make my decisions, my choices, my actions thinking about eternity,
not thinking about the short years I have here on this earth. Give me
an eternal perspective in everything I do.

 03. Wise Perspective

Don’t ever let me be fooled into thinking that this life is mine or
about me. You have bought my life with your blood. I am no longer
mine. I am yours.You also created everything. Everything was
created by you and for you, not me. Don’t let me live this life as if
it’s mine, as if it's about me. Cause me to live for you and for your

 04. Perseverance

Don’t let me give up in praying. Like the woman who comes before
the unrighteous judge in Luke chapter 18, let me come before
you again and again. Even though I may not see it now, even though
I may not see my prayers answered quickly, help me to keep coming
before you praying, trusting you, believing you, that I will get it. Even if
the answer to this prayer happens beyond my lifetime, I still want to
come before you again and again and again. Don’t let me give up in

 05. Your First Love

Oh, Father I cry out to you like Moses “let me see your glory.” I want
to know you, I want to be satisfied in you, and if there are things
and people which satisfy me more than you, I give you permission
to take them out of my life. I want nothing to replace you as my
greatest joy, as my greatest delight. Reveal your glory to me; let me
see you and know you and be satisfied in you.

06. Delighting in God

Cause my greatest joy to be in You and You alone. Not in things.
Not in other people. Not in my accomplishments. But in You.