Sunday, December 7, 2014

Grace Like Waves

"Grace Like Waves"

John 1:16: "And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace."(KJV)

John 1:16: "Yes, the Word was full of grace and truth, and from him we all received one blessing after another." (Easy Read Version )

My friend, close your eyes for a moment and picture the vision of the waves of Grace. Tell yourself,"That's how God's Grace is coming into my situation, into my life, right now-one wave in place of another without fail, driven by the force of His Love and Grace for me."Now, hold that thought and pray this simple prayer with me.

Dear heavenly Father, You know the situation I am in. I may not be able to see it now, but I thank You that because of Jesus’s sacrifice for me, wave after wave of Your glorious Grace is rushing into my life to meet every need and oversupply every lack. I turn my situation over to You completely, knowing that  You love and care for me perfectly.  I receive Your abundant Grace right now and I thank You for every incoming wave of supply, healing and protection in Jesus’ name,  Amen.

God bless you .