Monday, January 19, 2015

Fulfil Your Potential

Fulfil Your Potential

In life, many people do not reach their full potential. We can become so caught up in the everyday that it is easy to continue in old patterns rather than change. Yet, we all have a God-given desire to live to our full potential. Perhaps you remember this celebrated biography:

‘Solomon Grundy … Born on a Monday …
Christened on Tuesday … Married on Wednesday …
Took ill on Thursday … Grew worse on Friday …
Died on Saturday … Buried on Sunday …
And that was the end of Solomon Grundy.’

In life there are many people, like Solomon Grundy, who do not reach their full potential. And yet, the potential of every human being is great. Jesus wants us to live highly productive lives. He wants us to produce ‘a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown’ (Matthew 13:8). The key to that potential lies in our relationship with Jesus – a relationship that can be as close as that of a brother or sister or mother (12:50). We can live lives of real purpose that will make a difference to the world, because of what we receive from him (13:11–12,16).

Our potential is not about being driven by ambition or success; it is about recognising who we are in God. As we seek him and live our lives according to his purposes, we will begin to bear much fruit. The more we begin to fulfil our God-given potential, the more he entrust to us. He wants us to live lives of abundance (13:12).