Monday, July 13, 2015

Ever Present Helper!

Ever Present Helper!

People change, their priorities change and so is the love they have for us.
The most dearest of relationships also do not understand our spiritual, emotional and physical needs.
We are taken for granted to only just give.
When we are desperate to receive love, there is none around.

But there is good news and you need not be dwelling in the sorrow of being rejected.
"He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever....He dwells with you and will be in you" - John 14:16, 17
What a confidence to know that there is someone who is thoughtful of you and would never leave you !
This Helper does not change, His priorities does not change. You alone are His only priority.
You can be best assured of love, protection, encouragement, guidance, peace, happiness and blessings.
And He is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to be with you always.
Pray to God and He would freely give this Ever present Helper to you.
If you have Him, you will never be in want of love. You will always be receiving it with fullness from Him.

While on one side you receive love by the indwelling of Holy Spirit, you are called to give it on the other side.
Give love to people who have rejected you and taken you for granted. Give to people in want. Give it to people who deserve it and to people who do not deserve it.
For all are in want of love. And we are called to be living just like the God whom we worship.
He has been gracious to love and so should we. Give, Give, to all with the help of your Ever Present Helper – Holy Spirit.

Never again lose heart by the unfaithfulness of relationships.
Receive love from Holy Spirit.
Give it freely to all as like Him.