Wednesday, September 2, 2015



1 Timothy 6:6. Now godliness with contentment is great gain.

A professor was known to ask his students questions to make them think. On one occasion he stood before the class and wrote on the chalkboard, “Who’s more content – the man with six million dollars or the man with six children? Now think!” he challenged them.
After a few moments one of the students raised his hand and answered, “The man with the six children.”
“Oh. Why?” asked the professor.
“Well, the man with the six million dollars would always want more!” came the reply.
True contentment is always independent of “things” – whether possessions or pleasures. It only comes from an inner attitude toward life. That is why Paul said, “True religion, with contentment, is great wealth.”
This does not imply that being a Christian means living in poverty or wanting to be poor. But it does mean that the power of “things” will never bring happiness and that the Christian must always focus on things that are eternal.
In the final analysis, we can only take two things to God: Ourselves and what we have done with our lives.
So, we must live our lives with one goal that we can reach: to present ourselves to God without shame!

Prayer: Help us, Father, to realize that life does not consist in the abundance of things, but in pleasing You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.