Friday, January 29, 2016

Through Jesus, the universe was created

Through Jesus, the universe was created

 ‘By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew’ ( Prov 3:19,20).

The fact that with God ‘all things are possible’ is proven by the fact that God created the entire universe out of nothing. 

The writer of Proverbs sees wisdom as a Person. As we read this through the lens of the New Testament, we see that that Person is Jesus. St Paul tells us thatChrist is the power of God and thewisdom of God’ (1 Corinthians 1:24).

Until you find a relationship with Jesus, life will not really make sense. The entire universe was created through Jesus. He loves you. In a relationship with him you find God’s wisdom andGod’s power.

When you find Jesus, you find the path to Eternal life. You find true Riches and Honor. You find Peace beyond understanding. You find the source of all wisdom & understanding . He is the source of all Blessing. Seeking Jesus everyday is far more profitable than all the material blessings. In fact, ‘nothing you desire can compare with the creator of the whole universe’.


Lord, I seek you today. Give me wisdom, peace and power to live the kind of life you want me to lead, in Jesus name. Amen !