Monday, February 15, 2016

Do we praise God like David did?

Do we praise God like David did?

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
(Psalms 113:3 (KJV))

Let us think about this passage. Do we truly realize what it is saying?

Think about the time in history when this was written. Most people were up and working when the sun was coming up and most people went to bed with the sun going down. The sun actually reflected the waking hours of most people when this was written. Perhaps we should read it with a fresh perspective and a slightly paraphrased translation.

From the time that we wake up until the time that we go to sleep, let us praise God!

Doesn’t that make more sense to us as we place the passage in the context of our lives today?

I honestly believe that this is what David was telling us when he wrote this Psalm. We are to praise God with every waking breath that we take. We are to live our lives fully devoted to God. No wonder that David was known as a man after God’s own heart. He spent every waking moment in praise of the God that he longed to be with.

Can we honestly say the same about our praise?