Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Message !

Isa 9:6 says," For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Dear Brothers and sisters,We are yet again at the almost the end of another year. Just preparing to close another long and eventful year.Ever thought why we celebrate Christmas as we close the year??
Reason !!One being undoubtedly that on a cold winter night Jesus Christ was born as the saviour to mankind in a stable in the town called Bethlehem.But why this birthday is a celebration year after year ? Every year and through the years down the ages ! Well, birthdays are days to remeber the grace that has been given and thank the blessings we received from our Lord.We take this time to renew our dreams and plans for our future and commit ourselves to new resolutions and plans.
Chrsitmas is a remembarance , The birthday of Christ . We take time to remember the blessing that we received and the dreams that we are working out for tommorrow.This is a time when many things are put to an end/aside and we get ready for a new year and and possibly a new way of life.During Christmas as we welcome Christ to be born again in our hearts , Let us remember to prepare ourself for a new beginning .
As the word of God says in 2 Cor:5 :17'If anyone be in Christ ,he is a new creature: old things are passed away ; behold,all things are become new.'Every time we invite Christ into our heart , we have a renewed life. Old is past and its the time we start working on a better tommorow and a new beginning.The whole perspective of life changes as Christ comes into you heart and become a part of your life.This change is undoubtedly the most beautiful and cherished season's of the year.
Make this season even more meaningful by welcoming your saviour into your heart. Let it mark an end to many things but much more welcome Christ to your heart and mark a great start. Be saved and have a great new beginning.

'Unto us a saviour is born - Rejoice !' Merry Christmas to you and all at home.
May the good tidings of the season bring Blessings and Joy to you.

Christmas is the time of giving and sharing. It is the time of loving and forgiving.. And to feel the Joy and Happiness of being Loved and to be Loved.. May this Christmas be a Joyous one as You Ever Had!! I