Sunday, December 23, 2007

True Christmas Meaning

True Christmas Meaning

T housands of years ago,
R evealed by prophets of the past,
U nder the dark and starry night,
E mmanuel was born at last.

C overed in His swaddling clothes,
H onor was given to the newborn King,
R epresenting peace and goodwill to all men,
I t?s because of Him that the angels did sing.
S ent by King Herod to find Him,
T hree wise men were led by a star
M yrrh, gold and frankincense were given,
A s gifts from the men from afar.
S tanding in awe at the manger,
M agi worshipped and gave praise joyfully,
E ventually this child would grow older,
A nd give His life for you and for me.
N ow as we set apart a special day of the year,
I n remembrance for all who believe,
N ever forget why our Father did send Him,
G od's gift is the greatest we'll ever receive.

Let us thank God for His many

blessings and remember He gave us

His only begotten Son.

Wishing you a blessed CHRISTmas and an inspirational New Year.