Saturday, November 29, 2014

Are you Connected with Jesus ??

Are you Connected with Jesus ??

We want to network with people for reasons like sharing ours, receiving from others, being there. Connections edify one another. A family meet has a long to say what connections mean to us. Staying connected has been easy these days because of the internet. Our social networking apps – We want to connect ourselves with people of different nature; We connect with groups of our interest; We send and receive to utilize the max; We stay connected. When we want something and when we see there is a way to easily reach our want, then we use it.
But those who do not know the use of such apps, do not appreciate it neither do they use it.

This is how it is for a Christian. If one knows the worth of staying connected with God, then that person takes all steps and uses all means to keep himself/herself connected with God.
But those who don’t know the value of our loving God, neither appreciate Him nor do they live to be connected with Him.

Dear brothers & sisters, If today you have not read your bible, if you have not prayed, if you are not meditating His words, if you have not talked with your God then you are not connected with Jesus.
Neither do you understand how important it is for your life to stay connected with Him.

Stay connected with Jesus and let He be the reason for staying connected with others.
Can I ask you to sit back and think – “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” – Mat 16:26