Monday, November 17, 2014

You + GOD

Abel + GOD ==》able to speak after death
Enoch + GOD ==》didn't taste death
Noah + GOD ==》became source of new world
Abraham + GOD ==》became father of nations
Issac + GOD ==》able to reap 100% harvest in famine
Jacob + GOD ==》became israel and father of 12 tribes
Joseph + GOD ==》became ruler of then mighty nation
Moses + GOD ==》brought whole nation of egypt to its knees
Joshua + GOD ==》conquered the HOLY Land
Gideon + GOD ==》conquered vast amount of army
Samuel + GOD ==》the righteous prophet in israel
David + GOD ==》killed giant goliath
Solomon + GOD ==》built mighty temple for GOD.

A man alone who trusted and followed GOD created sensation and history throughout the BIBLE. Never be discouraged that you are alone.

You + GOD ==》history is awaiting to unfold a new page