Sunday, November 30, 2014

God is righteous & Loving

Dear friends, our God is a Righteous Judge. He loves us very much but hates our sin. He also knows that we are weak and we cannot be perfect. We make choices that are sinful and thus these sins will eventually lead us to eternal death (of the soul) – AS PER THE LAW.
But Praise God for Jesus Christ who came into this world to die a sinner’s death, so that we sinners may be free. While we are sinners and rightfully deserve punishment, Jesus Christ took this punishment upon Himself. So by God’s Loving Grace & Mercy – we are free, not by our own deeds or works.
Praise God for Jesus Christ and be thankful for what God has done for us. God’s Love has set us free and fulfilled the LAW! It’s time to repent, turn to God and never go back to our old self again!