Tuesday, July 5, 2022

"He Makes Faithfulness Fruitful"

ЁЯНТ "He Makes Faithfulness Fruitful" ЁЯНТ

"Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward" (Mark 9:41)."

ЁЯСЙ In the 1800s, there was an ordinary Christian man teaching a small Sunday school class of boys in Chicago. This man had a conversation after the meeting with one of the teenagers who then prayed and received Christ. That young man was D.L. Moody.

ЁЯСЙ On one of Moody's trips to England, he befriended F.B. Meyer and invited him to come to the United States to speak to a large group of young men. In that service, J. Wilbur Chapman made a commitment to Christ, and he became a great evangelist, leading tens of thousands of people to Christ. One of these people, Billy Sunday, became his traveling companion.

ЁЯСЙ Billy Sunday preached in many places and after preaching in Charlotte, North Carolina, a group of farmers began to cry out to the Lord, "God, do something great for the world, beginning in Charlotte!" And they invited an evangelist by the name of Mordecai Hamm to preach in Charlotte.

ЁЯСЙ During one of Hamm's services, some teenagers came forward: Billy Graham, Grady Wilson, and T. W. Wilson. The Wilson brothers became administrators of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

ЁЯСЙ And so that Sunday school teacher, Edward Kimball, impacted countless generations for Christ through his faithful witness of the Gospel. Does that small act of faithfulness inspire you? Kimball simply obeyed, and God honored him with fruit beyond measure.

ЁЯСЙ Are you ready to be faithful to God's Great Commission? All that is required is humble obedience. If you stand in Christ and not in your own strength, He will give you the words at the right time and make your smallest act of faithfulness fruitful. He will help you overcome the fear of failure and instead count it all joy to share the hope you've been given in Christ -- even at the risk of rejection. Whatever the cost to your time and comfort, He is worth it.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the example of this small act of faithfulness to Your call bearing immeasurable fruit. Help me to remember that You have blessed me to be a blessing as I bear Your Word to others. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.